Thursday, December 12, 2013

A letter to those struggling

Hey you,

Yes. You. You are great. You may not be perfect but none of us are. There is at least one thing in this world that you are good at, maybe even great at. So don't be so hard on yourself. Yes the world is a hard and scary place, but that is something we all face. I do not mean to say that you shouldn't feel tired and scared but rather, you should never feel alone.
"But everyone else seems to be able to handle the world. Why am I the only one who just can't figure it out?" Here is one piece of truth you should never forget, ready: no one knows what they are doing. And if they do they get pushed up into a different position in the world where they have to start over. Everyone is just doing the best they can. Just like you. You may feel like you are somehow inferior to the rest of the world but that just isn't true.

You, my friend, are amazing. You make the world better. Without you, the world would be a different place. You are part of a family, a culture, a country. YOU are part of this world. And whether you realize it or not, someone out there needs you in their life. Somebody's life is better because you are there. Maybe there is someone who thinks that you have it so together and they wonder how you do it. So don't get down on yourself. You know you can be great, I know you can be great. So, my friend, go be great.

You got this.


B. Anne

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