I have recently written about some of the things that i was willing to admit through semi-anonymity the thoughts of violence or lust or not caring. I cannot be the only one. And yet, even that was problematic for my mother. She said that she admired my bravery but that it concerned her and I need to hide the post from future employers. Good advice but why?
I have talked to other people that when I opened up and admitted the truth, SO DID THEY!
Everyone has sexuality and yet we are taught to hide it. Do not tell people you are queer. Do not tell people you like sex. Do not admit you even think about sex. Never admit your fantasies or you will scare people away. We all have thoughts of hurting someone or breaking something from time to time and yet we are taught to hide it. Don't let people see how angry you are. Do not admit you have had thoughts of damage. Never ever admit you have wanted to hurt someone before.
And it doesn't end there. We do this for everything. Hide how much you like food. Hide your body issues. Hide your depressions and anxieties. As my last post wrote, hide any emotions you have from someone you are interested in. Hide the jokes others might not like. Hide your disagreeable beliefs. Hide anything that makes you seem strange.
Well here is the truth. I like me. I like food and sexuality. I think about sex. I often wanted to break things or punch people. I I laugh at inappropriate jokes. I LOVE FOOD and sometimes that makes me uncomfortable with my body. I am depressed and anxious. Sometimes, I just don't want to shower because who am I trying to impress? I love and like my boyfriend. I find him appealing in so many ways. I have beliefs not everyone will agree with.
I am human and I am proud.
Everyone is different so stop holding yourself back so much. It is okay to admit you have flaws or that you have feelings. THAT IS NORMAL! It is better than normal, it is human.
Source: http://www.thepetcollective.tv/never-ending-awesomeness-36-corgi-gifs-that-will-make-you-squee/
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