Congrats Grad!
Like Leo in titanic, you're the king of the world and you paint me like one of your French women. Sure that may not have made sense but, I myself am a graduate so I can say whatever I want.
I'm sure many people are asking what your future plans are? What's next for their smart and accomplished graduate? Where are you going in life? When are you gonna start your career/family/slow collapse into insanity? Perhaps, you do not have an answer for these people, but like me, would rather collapse into a ball and grow a turtle shell in which to hide forever. Alas, though you gain many skills and powers from graduating, this is not possible.
And I know what you are thinking "why yes, yes it is." I'm sorry but truly it is not. A close second however, is a pile of blankets and pillows with a sign that reads simply "The number you have reached is currently out of service." The confusion/frustration should help keep those pesky question askers at bay.
"But, I have answers to those questions." "Yeah i already have a job lined up, with a ten year life plan in place as well." Good for you. Now excuse me while I attach this sign to my blanket fort.
Now that those people have left to go work while we hide in this well built fortress of comfort, we can talk about the real things in life. Like convincing yourself that maybe that retail job you had a couple summers ago will still need help and let you stay on for a bit. You know just until you find something more permanent. You definitely aren't one of those people that will give in to the comfort of familiarity and stay there forever. No, you will beat the cycle! Definitely.
But for now the future does not matter, because you my friend, have graduated.