It is. Life is hard. I try not to make a habit of lying and so I will admit life is hard. And unfortunately life is harder for some than for others but, it is also good. Now, I wrote a post a while ago titled "A letter to those struggling." In it I gave a pep talk where I mentioned that everyone goes through struggles and feels like everyone has it together but them. And before I go further, I want to reiterate, you are not alone. You never have to be alone. Even if you feel alone or your mind, like mine, tells you that you are, YOU ARE NEVER TRULY ALONE. There are people out there that think about you and what you to be happy even if you don't know it.
Now that being said, back to today's point. Life is hard. Now I know, some of you are wishing I would stop reminding you, but some of you probably need to hear someone else admit it. I am now 25 years old and have been in recovery for 5 years. While I still struggle from time to time, I have come so far that I made it to the end of February before remembering my January hospitilization. You know, I always hate when people say it will get better but it did. The first year I remembered and it crushed me. I felt like my recovery was still just starting and that I hadn't made much progress. The second was better but still hard and then I hit my third. The date started to fade and the details weren't as vivid. I realized, that things really did get better. I had started to become my own person. So for me to realize I had forgotten about it was amazing to me.
So yes life is hard. Life is loud, and scary, and messy. Life is terrible sometimes, but I am never alone and I am growing. I have improved so much in five short years and I know that as you struggle, you will too. It sucks to get there but it is possible.
Always here,
B. Anne